The Trisys Frame System is a significant enhancement over the traditional lite frames of the past for a variety of reasons. If you were to create a frame system from scratch, what would it look like and what features would offer you the most value? Heavier than standard frames with no screw plugs, best gaskets, no ooze, and the bestpaint adhesion. It's now available, the Trisys Frame from ODL.
The Trisys Frame System is a significant enhancement over the traditional lite frames of the past for a variety of reasons.
The Trisys Frame System will now come standard in several door and sidelite models in decorative glass and is available as an upgradable option in internal muntins and Low - E door and sidelite designs.

Lite Frame System Options
MMI DOOR offers several frame options and a variety of different frame styles. Each frame system will differ depending on the glass collection that is chosen.